Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Competing lists! Marlene's version of "Top 10 things overheard at the Crown Point, IN jail last weekend"

10. If I were a wise Latina, I wouldn't be here.

9. I told you playing quarters with Everclear was a bad idea.

8. Cell wall graffiti is an art form ... whoa! Didn't know folks could bend that way!

7. How come so many of these jailhouse tattoos say "Stephanie"?

6. Can't believe I'm in jail in "Clown Point."

5. Darling! Love your outfit!

4. Dad said this is gonna cost a lot more than when he bailed Greg out.

3. I fought the law and the law won. Double or nothing?

2. What are these things and why do they itch so much?

1. All day to sleep and I still wake up at the crack of Don!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Why do I always get hit in the Jeffirs snowball fights?!!

Kent, I'm with you if you're thinking retaliation!