Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leigh's baptism

I know, it's a sorry demonstration of Photoshopping. Nevertheless, Leigh will be baptized at 10 a.m. March 20 at Trinity Lutheran Church (and school).

Alexandra is Leigh's Godmother.

We'd love you to attend the regular Sunday service and a light, informal lunch gathering at our home in Goshen following the service. I'm assuming everyone is able to GoogleMap or Mapquest the addresses below, but let me know if you need directions. If you think you might come, please gimme a ring or send me a text or an e-mail so I know how much food to have! Hope to see you soon!


Trinity Lutheran Church and School

30888 C.R. 6

Elkhart, IN 46514

The Hoopers

912 Colorado St.

Goshen, IN 46526