Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brady and Cole in Action

Max and I went out to see Brady and Cole's last football game of the season on Saturday. Their team won, trouncing John Glenn by a score of 24-6. It was a cold and windy day -- perfect football weather. Congrats to Brady and Cole for ending the season on such a high! Take a look at some pictures of the boys in action:

Max was initially suspicious of Janis

Must have been a rousing pep talk

In the thick of things

Cole, Number 47

Brady, Number 29

Sharks Update

Matt is doing a book signing for Sharks on December 7 in Decatur, GA. If you happen to be planning to be in that area, drop him a line for more details. I got my copy of the book the other day, and it's very impressive. I particularly like the beady (literally, it's a big bead) black eye of the shark on the cover.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Amelia and Todd found a house!

Amelia and Todd are happy to report that their long house hunt has come to an end. They should be closing on their new Goshen home on Halloween (spooky!) or possibly even sooner. More pictures and information about the house can be found here. In related news, Amelia starts back to work on Friday (gotta make those mortgage payments). Congratulations to Amelia, Todd, and Taylor -- it's been a pretty action-packed year for them!

Also, Amelia wants you all to know that you can get your fix of Taylor pics here, at her Facebook page. I'm not sure if that link will work if you're not her friend or whatever (many things about Facebook still elude me, though I do have a page), so I'll post a couple of shots below.