Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rallying at the Michigan State Capitol

I had my mojo going yesterday in Lansing to protest all the funding cuts to public education. I was asked to speak on behalf of the Michigan PTA. I brought 150 parents, kids, grandparents and community members to Lansing on 2 buses rented by the Farmington PTA Council (of which I am Madam President). We met up with several hundred other people in Lansing.

The event started the night before with a radio interview on WWJ 950 am. Then I did a live phone interview on Detroit NBC. They asked me to send in a picture to display. I was in our office on the phone while Bob was watching/listening to me on TV - freaky. Then ABC, NBC and Fox caught up with me at the bus before we left. I made the noon telecast for all three stations! ABC followed us up and taped the rally and then interviewed me after. It was crazy.

My speech included audience participation. I begged the question every paragraph: "What do we want our legislators to do?" "DO YOUR JOBS" "When?" "NOW!"

ABC kept the story on their website. I'll see if the Blogger link works in the next post. I had several people come up after the speech and ask me if I'd run for Governor! (I promptly passed.)

BTW - If you see the video, Michigan PTSA wanted me to wear that big blue sweatshirt - quite a fashion statement! Take care - Chris

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