Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fossils Are Fun

Cole is doing his big fourth grade Indiana history project on fossils, so it was perfect timing that the library offered a free presentation on space rocks and fossils on Saturday morning, given by the owner/curator of the Joshua Tree Museum. The boys and I met Janis, Cole, and Cassidy at the library for an hour of checking out the different rocks and hearing their histories. If you're wondering about Liam's lack of hair, you can read that story here. Meanwhile, check out our fun morning in the pictures below. In one of them, you can see a hand with a camera in the corner -- that was a guy who was taking pictures for the library's (or possibly the Joshua Tree Museum's) website (he wasn't very clear on which one he represented); if we end up on those pages, I'll link to them later.

1 comment:

Doug said...

If fossils are fun, I don't think anyone told Cole.