Or, as Grandpa said to her, "I heard you did some picketing the other day."
You can find the full article
here (but beware, some of the comments are downright nasty!), but here's a snippet:
Kruyer shared some of her reasons for her personal show of support saying, “One of the main reasons I decided to become a teacher was because of the Plymouth teachers who influenced me so greatly as a student. At the time, it never crossed my mind that one day I would have to defend public education and those people who have dedicated themselves to this profession.
She added, “ It scares me to think that many of the programs that PCSC offers may have to be cut or eliminated altogether if the funding for public education continues to erode. I can’t image a school system where teachers have no true voice in how the schools are operated. I don’t want to image a school system without art classes, foreign language classes, industrial tech classes, food and consumer sciences, speech, and physical education.”